
03:33 PM
Claims Process Disclosure
Attn: dsfg dfg
Address: dfg, sdfg, Kentucky sdfg
Phone #
Date and Time: 04/15/2021 – 03:33 PM

Property insurance policies obligate the insured to present a claim to his or her insurance company for consideration. Three
• types of adjusters may be involved in the claim process as follows:
• “Staff adjuster” means an insurance adjuster who is an employee of an insurance company who represents the interest of the insurance company and who is paid by the insurance company. A staff adjuster shall not charge a fee to the insured;
• “Independent adjuster” means an insurance adjuster who is hired on a contract basis by an insurance company to represent the insurance company’s interest in the settlement of the claims and who is paid by the insurance company. An independent adjuster shall not charge a fee to the insured; and
• “Public adjuster” means an insurance adjuster who does not work for any insurance company. A public adjuster works for the insured to assist in the preparation, presentation, and settlement of the claim, and the insured hires a public adjuster by signing a contract agreeing to pay him or her a fee or commission based on a percentage of the settlement or other method of payment.
The insured is not required to hire a public adjuster to help the insured meet his or her obligations under the policy, but has the right to hire a public adjuster. The insured has the right to initiate direct communications with the insured’s attorney, the insurer, the insurer’s adjuster, the insurer’s attorney, and any other person regarding the settlement of the insured’s claim. The public adjuster shall not be a representative or employee of the insurer. The salary, fee, commission, or other consideration paid to the public adjuster is the obligation of the insured, not the insurer.”
• The contract between the public adjuster and the insured shall be executed induplicate to provide an original contract to the public adjuster and an original contract to the insured. The public adjuster’s original contract shall be available at all times for inspection by the commissioner without notice.
• The public adjuster shall provide the insurer a notification letter, which has been signed by the insured, authorizing the public adjuster to represent the insured’s interest.
• The public adjuster shall give the insured written notice of the insured’s rights as provided in this section.
• The insured has the right to rescind the contract within three (3) business days after the date the contract was signed. The rescission shall be in writing and mailed or delivered to the public adjuster at the address in the contract and postmarked or received within the three (3) business day period.
• If the insured exercises the right to rescind the contract, anything of value given by the insured under the contract shall be returned to the insured within fifteen (15) business days following receipt by the public adjuster of the rescission notice.
• A public adjuster who receives, accepts, or holds any funds on behalf of an insured toward the settlement of a claim for loss or damage shall deposit the funds in a noninterest-bearing escrow or trust account in a financial institution that is insured by an agency of the federal government in the public adjuster’s home state or where the loss occurred.


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